Mini Composition 2

Synthesizer Film Soundtrack


For this project, you will compose a 1:00-2:00 soundtrack for a short film using primarily the synthesizer instruments in your DAW. The composition can include any combination of background music, foreground music, and/or sound effects. It should also have a coherent formal structure, with a clear beginning and ending. The video can be any selection of your choosing - including footage sourced from YouTube,, or something you shoot and edit yourself - but it must be properly edited and combined with your soundtrack audio file before submitting.

  1. Use only the Mojito and Mai Tai virtual instruments in Studio One. Do NOT use the Presence, Impact, or SampleOne instruments, as they are all sample players that use audio samples to generate sound.
  2. You are allowed up to 3 short audio files to use as sound effects. Everything else must come from Mojito or Mai Tai.
  3. Your project MUST include:
  • at least 3 MIDI tracks with different custom settings on each track (use both Mojito and Mai Tai)
  • well-edited and/or quantized MIDI
  • at least 3 instances of instrument parameter automation that are not volume/pan (can be all 3 on one track or split up between the 3 tracks).
  1. For this assignment, you will need to submit a Mixdown in addition to your song project folder. Use the 16bit/44.1 setting in the wav format. Listen to this Mixdown file all the way through to ensure it is free of errors.
  2. You will also need to submit an H264 file of your finished video with your audio track attached. I suggest using iMovie to accomplish this as it is easy to use and available in the lab, though you are welcome to use any video editing software that you are comfortable with.
  3. When you are finished, ensure that your project has the name “YourFirstNameYourLastName-MiniComp2” and submit using the procedure in the Basic Submission Instructions document. Make sure that both the Mixdown file and video file are stored inside your song project folder before submitting.
  4. As always, save a backup copy on your personal storage media.


Mini Composition 2 - Synthesizer Film Soundtrack

1 3 5 Score
Synthesizers Little to no timbral variety, insufficient track/instrument quantity, use of prohibited instruments. Moderate timbral variety, sufficient track/instrument quantity, no use of prohibited instruments. Extensive timbral variety, exceeds required track/instrument quantity, covers a wide timbral/tonal range, no use of prohibited instruments
MIDI and Automation Techniques Little and/or incorrect use of MIDI quantization, MIDI recording/editing, and/or automation. Moderate and mostly correct use of MIDI quantization, MIDI recording/editing, and/or automation. Extensive, correct, and creative use of MIDI quantization, MIDI recording/editing, and/or automation.
Form and Structure No obvious coherent form. Unclear connections to visuals. Coherent beginning and ending. Mostly clear connection to visuals. Clever and coherent form. Creative connections between audio and visuals.
General Technical Merit Several errors made in mixing, bouncing, and/or submitting. One or two errors made in mixing, bouncing, and/or submitting. No errors made in mixing, bouncing, and/or submitting.