Fundamentals Assignment 2

Melodic Transposition


  • Music Fundamentals Assignment 1
  • Basic understanding of solfege.
  • Basic understanding of transposition.

Review the following document from our course materials:

  • [Basic Submission Instructions](/sound-design/daw-instructions/basic-submission-instructions/)


  • Learn to identify melodies using solfege in treble clef.
  • Learn to transpose melodies in treble clef among three keys (C,F,G).
  • Keyboard performance and orientation development.
  • Aural melodic recognition development.


  1. Exchange scores with a classmate from assignment 1 without revealing the title of the piece. You will later have to guess the name of this song.
  2. Open this score in a notation editor such as
  3. Learn to perform this melody with a midi controler by reading and listening to the score you have created. Be ready to perform this melody for your classmates.
  4. In a seperate text document identify the key of the song and list all the pitches in order of occurance as solfege syllables.
  5. Guess the name of this song.
  6. Create a new score in a notation editor such as
  7. Using the traspose function create a version of this song in a different key such as C Major, F Major, or G Major.
  8. Learn to perform this melody in this key with a midi controler by reading and listening to the score you have created. Be ready to perform this melody for your classmates.
  9. When you are finished, submit your text document and the transposed score.
  10. As always, save a backup copy on your personal storage media.