Fundamentals Assignment 1
Learning Melody and Creating a Score From a MIDI File
- Basic understanding of treble clef reading.
- Basic understanding of keyboard orientation.
Review the following document from our course materials:
- [Basic Submission Instructions](/sound-design/daw-instructions/basic-submission-instructions/)
- Learn to read familiar melodies in treble clef.
- Introduction to importing MIDI files.
- Keyboard performance and orientation development.
- Search online and download a MIDI file for a song that you would like to learn to perform. (this song should have a recognizable melody)
- Open your a notation editor such as, create a new score.
- Import the downloaded MIDI file.
- Edit the MIDI file my deleting accompaniment so that only the melody remains.
- Learn to perform this melody with a midi controller by reading and listening to the score you have created. Be ready to perform this melody for your classmates.
- When you are finished, submit your project using the procedure in the [Basic Submission Instructions](/sound-design/daw-instructions/basic-submission-instructions/#submitting-a-song) document.
- As always, save a backup copy on your personal storage media.